Buy Our License

What Our License Covers

Full Access to the "Pathway To Innovation"
Full Access to Training Videos for Your Licensed Level
Teachers Training Course for Your Licensed Level
Early Founders Resource Bank
Executive Coaching on STEM Education
Access to Early Founders Community

Purchase The EarlyFounders License

Join Us To Reach The World.

Ever wanted to train children to innovate and create? With our Pathway to Innovation curriculum, you’re not just teaching coding—you’re nurturing future creators and entrepreneurs. Join us on this incredible journey to empower children to think outside the box and turn their dreams into reality.

Whether you’re a passionate educator, a dedicated STEM advocate, or an institution eager to make a difference, our curriculum licensing opens doors to a world of possibilities. Together, let’s inspire the next generation of innovators and change-makers.

Why Choose Us

What you get from Licensing

Considering our license? Here is what you are sure to get when you license with us.


With over a decade of experience, our curriculum has been rigorously tested and proven effective in diverse settings across numerous countries, including Nigeria, Kenya, the United States, and the United Kingdom.


Gain access to our dedicated team of professionals ready to assist you every step of the way. From implementation to ongoing support, we’re here to ensure your success with our curriculum licensing program.


Whether you’re looking to integrate it into existing programs or customize it for specific age groups or learning objectives, we offer the flexibility and options you need to deliver a tailored educational experience.